Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls! Step right up and witness the next great feat in human endurance!
Of what do I speak? Well let me answer your question with one of my own: What do you get when you mix marathon running, the American Gladiators, 80 proof alcohol, poorly drained soils with Liquidity Indexes exceeding 1 (that’s mud for you non-engineer types), and mental illness?
Ladies and Gentlemen, you get The Tough Mudder.
How does twelve grueling miles of running through the harsh early-spring conditions of an abandoned rock quarry in the Northeast Ohio tundra sound? Too easy? Intersperse that with 30 diabolical obstacles along the way. Obstacles like 12 foot vertical wall climbs, underwater tunnels, razor wire, and high voltage. How about now? That doing anything for you?
Just who would be crazy enough to attempt such a feat? That one’s easy. The Atwell Arsenal, that’s who.
Oh, you don’t know about the Atwell Arsenal? Well you’ve come to the right place. From now until April 14th, follow the exploits and exercise routines of the team as we attack the Ohio Tough Mudder with all our might.
Watch in wonderment as mild mannered office workers transform before your very eyes into chiseled, mohawked, Spartan warriors. See the blood, the sweat, the tears, and the beers that go into the training programs. Laugh with us, cry with us, encourage us on, and cheer loudly on the day of our victory. 50% dedication, 50% adrenaline junky, and 50% crazy, adding up to 150% pure badass.
The Atwell Arsenal. We let the dogs out.
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