Monday, February 6, 2012

MEET THE kinda MUDDER - Dan Engle

Dan Engle
Social Networking and Multi Media Team Leader

He casts a long shadow from there atop Bunker Hill.  On that lonesome ridge you’ll find him in his signature neon orange shirt, Carhart overalls, muddy Redwing boots, and lush lumberjack beard.  It’s Twitter’s most beloved surveyor/weekend general, Dan Engle.

Dan Engle, he’s ready for anything.  Survey rod in one hand, compass in the other, a plumb bob swaying from his belt, and a six-pack of Four Lokos in the truck, that’s our Dan “Right Angle” Engle.  That’s how he likes it, that’s how he rolls.

Dan spent many years studying the science of surveying.  But from an early age Dan knew that to truly become a surveyor, you must become one with the outdoors.  Sometimes you’ve got to get out from behind that desk, poindexter, and let your plumb bob drop!

Dan Engle’s skills are many.  Dan can be anywhere in the United States and be able to tell you what state he’s in simply by looking at a map.  He can tell depth to groundwater by licking the dirt.  Beat that Lewis and Clark.  Legend tells of his ability to tell time by the sun’s shadow, others claim he does so with an analog watch.  Both very impressive. 

But the most interesting thing about Dan isn’t his survey powers or his plumb bob obsession.  No, what’s most fascinating about Dan Engle is his uncanny ability to lead upwards of six Revolutionary War Re-enactors into the field of battle on weekends and safely return them to their loved ones on Sunday afternoon.  He may be Survey Crew Chief Dan Engle to you and I, but to his soldiers he is General Washington, crossing the Delaware River (despite the fact that we’re in Ohio), with dreams of becoming the first President of these United States.

We recently had the privilege of catching up with the Surveying Prodigy, Modern-day Revolutionary war hero, and the Atwell Arsenal’s newly appointed Team Leader of Social Networking and Media

Interviewer – Thanks for sitting down with me, Mr. Engle.

Dan Engle – (chuckling) Please, Mr. Engle is my father.  You may call me General.

Interviewer – Umm, ok… so in your many survey explorations, have you ever made any discoveries of note?

General Dan Engle – Let’s see.  You’ve heard of Mount Rushmore, yes?

Interviewer – Are you implying that you “discovered” a man-made monument?  How is that possible?

General Dan Engle – Damn left-wing media, don’t put words in my mouth.  I simply asked if you have ever heard of it.

Interviewer – Understood.  I apologize.  The question again was have you ever made any discoveries of record?

General Dan Engle – Have you ever heard of the Grand Canyon?

Interviewer – I’m pretty sure you didn’t discover that, either.

General Dan Engle – So are you sure, or are you pretty sure?  If you don’t know the facts than keep your mouth shut, soldier.

Interviewer – Ok, well congratulations on that.  Your parents must be proud.

General Dan Engle – I cannot tell a lie, they are very proud.  I’m a surveyor and a General, just like surveyor and General George Washington before me.

Interviewer – Moving on.  I know you’re a big fan of the plumb bob.  Any other devices that strike you as particularly interesting in the survey field?  Do you ever use any high tech devices like GPS?

General Dan Engle – One can’t be a surveyor in this day and age without using them.  However, I don’t trust technology.  Give me a musket and powder horn any day over a computer and mouse.

Interviewer – Dan, it’s…

General Dan Engle – General.

Interviewer – Right.  General.  It’s funny you say that.  Didn’t you just recently become the lead Social Media Liaison for a local, extremely entertaining and well-written, blog?  Doesn’t that require a certain degree of technical savvy?

General Dan Engle – Didn’t you?

Interviewer – I’m not following.  I haven’t accepted the social media…

General Dan Engle – Well than perhaps, sir, you should!  You are obviously not suited for your current position. 

Interviewer – I hardly think that’s appropriate…

General Dan Engle – You sir remind me of an under developed prairie dog.  You’re lucky I am not something that hunts prairie dogs, otherwise I’d stuff your carcass into one of my fake canons and use your bones for shrapnel.

Interviewer – Dan you should sit down…

General Dan Engle – General!
Interviewer – What?

General Dan Engle – GENERAL!

Interviewer - … General, I would tread lightly.  You know you’re no real war hero, you just play one in the field.
General Dan Engle – I grow weary of your stupidity.

Interviewer – My stupidity?  You claimed to have discovered Mount Rushmore!

General Dan Engle – Yes, your stupidity.  You’re so dumb you couldn’t tip the shit out of my Redwings if the instructions were written on the heel.

Interview pre-maturely concluded on account of fisticuffs.

please welcome Dan Da Dam Man Engle!!!

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